My ex-husband is getting married today. Our paths diverged from each other three years ago. The lives we wanted to live were no longer complementary to each other and we would have caused more harm than good had we stayed together. With pain and lots of tears we went our separate ways.

What an interesting, exciting, glorious, adventurous, gut-wrenching, creative, diverse, expanding, growth filled, three years it has been. In these past three years I learned about faith, about letting go, trusting my tears and allowing vulnerability a place at the table.

We are able transform the ruins of our marriage into a friendship, a real friendship, not a bullshit one, which means I’ve known about his new love for a long while now. I have been consistently happy for him and his bless so it surprised me to feel a sting at the sight of his wedding invite. I couldn’t rationally understand this reaction I am having. Why does it hurt if I am a hundred percent certain of my decisions? There is not an ounce of “What if we hadn’t …” left stewing inside so then why am I having feelings? I brought up the question during my session and my therapist said, “Congratulations! It’s graduation day. I would be concerned if you didn’t have any feelings. It’s graduation day, of course you would have feelings.” And there it is….the bittersweet taste of freedom.

We like to think that letting go as a singular step. Once you arrived at letting go, then you are done, you’ve let go.  It’s gone. Done. No longer a part of you. Bye now, please don’t come again!

I hate to learn that I am wrong and wrong I am. Letting go is much like progress in any area of our lives, everything happens a little by little. You are always continuously making progress, letting go and moving forward. Those traumas you spend hours in therapy on are never something you are done with, as you are consistently progressing through it, much like you could never be done learning.


Isn’t it amazing to know that there will always be more? Or better yet, as there is always more to learn, to let go, to move onward towards, there will be more reasons to celebrate.

What are you looking forward to graduating from?

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