Existential crisis seems to be the order of the day. Everyone I know seems to be plagued by it one-way or another.

The rabbit hole of who are you and where are you headed has been toying with me on and off for several weeks now and at last I fell down. These nagging questions grow bigger and smaller, expanding and shrinking simultaneously.

A few days later I meet up with a friend for dinner. No sooner after we sat down, he gives me a quick update on how he is, and that he too, is down in the existential rabbit hole with the rest of us.

Is this an epidemic? Should some one alert the authorities? I told my friend that I was there a few days ago myself which resulted in an entirely non-productive day. No work got done.

“What do you mean?” He says, “Isn’t that the most important kind of work you could be doing?”

His comment suddenly woke me up.

In a world centered around productivity, deliverables and the days are run by to do lists, divvied up by meetings on the hour, we forget that we need to stop and check our compass baring every now and again. Making sure that you are headed in the right direction is more important than achieving inbox zero.

As to the root cause of these existential crisis (maybe we should re-name them to existential scavenger hunt or existential navigation training, something less alarming) well, uncertainty is one of the usual suspects. However, if the outcome is certain, then life wouldn’t be the provocative challenge that is and it certainly would be a whole lot less fun!

Spend some time in the rabbit hole and find your true north!


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