My most incredible experiences have always come from saying YES before I thought too hard about it. In the nanosecond when the idea transmits, the gut reacts; the soul lights up and my lips move to utter that single syllable.
I’ve started and built business on that single second.
I drove across the world in a Romanian made car without knowing how to drive a stick shift because of that moment.
I’ve persuaded sailors to give me their socks in a dive bar on New Year Eve, kissed a few strangers and had many sublime moments because I didn’t pause long enough for the over-educated over-analytical mind to kick in.
…I’m about to do it again.
Sherry Ott (one of the most amazing woman I know) and I will be driving an incredibly inappropriate 7-horse powered auto rickshaw (tuk tuk) across 2000 miles in India this April.
Yes. That’s right. Sherry and I are doing The Rickshaw Run.
This is what Travis, fellow Mongol Rally Vet who just completed the September edition of The Rickshaw Run had to say,
“How often did you break down?”
“Lot. Let me clarify. You may break down a lot. The rickshaw is not a work of machinery brilliance. It is a small, inadequate, underpowered, unreliable little beast that you will fall in love with. It will become your shell and your protection; your vessel of happiness across the Indian plains. When she breaks down, it is simply her way of telling you to slow down and enjoy India, the India that is not in a guide book. The roadside villages, truckstops and under bridges huddling from the rain. The sweltering heat in the desert and the night sky filled with stars. You need to break down to experience the run, and there will always be somebody to help.”
“What should I watch out for?”
“Cows, potholes, trucks, people, dogs, rickshaws, peacocks, monkeys, sadhus, cliffs… After a while you only worry about the cows; the rest all happen to you and the shaw and it is all ok. All the fear and trepidation you may feel now suddenly dissolves as you become a rickshaw wallah within the first couple of days and instead of watching out for danger, you watch out in amazement and excitement.”
The Rickshaw Run will benefit charity:water. We’ve set a very audacious fundraising goal of $15,000 for Scott Harrison’s incredible charity.
How you can be involved…
Jan 23 – 6:30-9pm – NYC
Silent Auction / Rebrand Party for Baang + Burne
235 W 23rd St, 8th FL – Wix Lounge
The gallery has undergone a massive rebrand and to celebrate, we are hosting a silent auction and a rebrand party. On this night and this night only, you will get to name the price on the art. It is a fantastic opportunity to start collecting. A percentage of the proceeds will benefit charity:water.
Butcher Shop, Agra, India, 2011, edition 1/10 – will be made available for the auction.
For those of you who are mad with wanderlust, Sherry and I have gotten tremendous responds from various sponsors: cameras from X-Shot and Samsung, gift certificates from TelecomSquare, Soul-Cycle and GowithOh, and luggage from Eagle Creek. Oh and of course, those famous Adam’s Pants (Clothing Arts)! All proceeds from our sponsors will benefit charity:water.
Come join us on Jan 23rd in NYC. RSVP Here.
For the art, the adventure and of course clean water for all.
For those of you who are far away … I am giving up my birthday this year for charity:water. I’m very fortunate in so many ways, to have your love and friendship above all. I’d like to share some of your love with those who could use a little bit of help.
Click here and make a donation towards charity:water.
SAY YES before you over think it.
That sounds amazing. I’ve been reading your blog for about a year now, and I’m never bored…definitely gotta say that. Can’t wait to read more about this upcoming adventure-best of luck to you both!