I speed into the heart of you in a Rinualt with a squeaky door. HOLY SHIT are the first words you draw out of me.
I feel the weight of Western Civilization starting down at me.
A woman named after Charlemagne, Roma, her once empire is a home coming of a different sort.
You are angry with me for my timing. You withheld what I came here to seek as an invitation to return. You lead me away from the crowd and show me a blue café with thumping funk, beautiful waitress and old men playing chess. You sit next to me and show me advertisements of charming apartment for rent, Come back you say, come back and I will show you how I build the world and I will show you how to reach for greatness.
I promise I will return to you in wide leg linen trousers, boxy silk tops with an inverted V in the back revealing the small of my back, ready for your gentle hand. I will sit with you and down shots of espresso standing at the bar. We will have a room with a view, make love all night and you will show me how to build an empire.
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Come. Join me in Bed.
Hej, I had no idea Rome was named after Charlemagne, I thought it was Romulus and his brother.
Still a nice light (a little too light you need more fore such a sensual town) writing but I feel you have to go back to Rome, you have missed some specialities and the handsome men.
best wishes, charlote.