Steve Errey, Charlie Grosso
It seems like everyone online these days is pimping an ebook of some sort (free or otherwise). It seems like everyone is trying to tell you how to do something better. How to get in touch with the feminine within, how to start a business for a hundred dollars, how to publish, how to write better copy, how to SEO your website, how to travel, how to be fearless…the list goes on.

The Internet has leveled the playing field and there is no shortage of wisdom to be found. You can go the old school way and plow through Tao Te Chin, work your way through Julia Cameron’s The Artist Way (which is still an incredible book) or download the ever expanding list of ebooks out there and find a story and approach on how to do something… that works for you. There is no right, wrong, better or worst, only do, only what works for you.

Then how does one choose?

I guess for me it comes down to trust and character. Do you trust the author who has written the book in front of you and what kind of person are they?

Steve Errey contacted me and wanted to interview me for The Confidence Guy, and that is how we meet. Even though Steve and I have never meet in person, never shared a pint or broken bread together, he has chosen to act as a friend to me since that very first day. He is always there with a kind word for me on Twitter, always there to cheer me on in whatever insane, out there endeavor I’ve chosen to undertake.

Steve Errey is a gentleman, a person of integrity and opted to be a friend for the sake of friendship. He has character, intelligence and kindness and for that, I would like to recommend you his book, Code of Extraordinary Change. There are a lots of science and research on how the brain works and not just feel good visualizations of unicorns, rainbows and Nike-worthy slogans. When you are overwhelmed choose character, choose integrity.


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