One week. It’s only been one week since we opened the first show for 6×6, Flesh + Bone. Yet I am already impatient for what is next.
I keep on wondering what insane challenge I will undertake after we complete this EPIC art festival. I keep on thinking about what is next instead of enjoying the here and now.
I know better.
I should just breathe, be present and enjoy this. It’s easy to know and say, but harder to practice.
The adventurist in me can’t wait for the next Everest to climb; I can hardly wait to find out what is possible after this.
What I must remember is that change is happening all around me as we speak. I’ve spent an entire year planning for 6×6 and making it a reality. The likelihood that I will still be the same me after these 6 weeks is approaching zero. I won’t be the same after this. Even if I cannot perceive the changes that are happening, it does not mean that things remain the same.
We forget we need to be patient and kind with ourselves, especially about timing, when we attempt greatness, when we are building something of quality.
Hugh MacLeod had it right, “Insanely great takes insanely forever.”
If you missed Flesh + Bone, you can see pictures from it here. There are still limited edition prints available from the exhibit, email me if you are interested. Join us for Talking to Myself, the second show in 6×6, opening tonight at 547W 27th St Suite 309/ Btw 10th & 11th Ave from 6-8 pm.
From one of your previous tweets, I checked out the entire Flickr set for Flesh+Bone – looked great! It was just like being there, save for the illuminated screen 8000 km away!