In less than 12 hours in Delhi, I got asked 3 times if I am married. Common travel wisdom for single women is you should say you are married even if you are not. The trouble here is I am not a very good liar.

I can answer yes I am married easily enough. I do ok when I am pressed for the details of how did we meet, what does he do, how long we’ve been married, and how many children we have. I usually summon an ex-lover and use the details of that romance to answer the questions. Where I really do get suck is when they want to know why am I on holiday alone?! This is where my cover begins to fall apart at the seams.

I almost feel like I need to spend some time and fabricate a really good story with lots of juicy details. Not only would that be good for my spycraft, it would just be a whole lot of fun!

Help me out here then dear readers. Help me out with some of the details and let’s craft my cover story together. Email me the juicy details of my life with my “husband” and more at charliegrosso at gmail dot com.

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