
I woke up today and I felt out of sorts.

It took me a little while to figure out why. Then it occurred to me as I sat in my makeshift office (Starbucks) and watched the traffic go by. I am outside of my normal reality. This disconnect and jolt happens every time, usually about 7-10 days after I step outside the norm.

It doesn’t matter whether I simply return to Taiwan to see my family or if I am traveling through foreign lands, this feeling of out of sorts appears on cue, always. You’ve finally caught up on your sleep, adjusted to the new time zone, have figured out how to navigate basic matters of living (bus schedules, where to sleep and how to eat). Shock to the system is not coming as fast and furious as it did when you first arrived.

Now without work, friends, spin and yoga classes and everything else to anchor you to your reality, survival is not the first and foremost thing, you feel disconnected.

A few of my avid traveling friends share the same desire when we talk about our next destination–we are all looking for the next “hard” place to travel through, to experience. We are all looking for that next something that is a shock to the system, a punch in the face, the challenge that makes us grown.

It occurred to me that the sense of disconnect is as important as that initial shock to the system, much like a “one-two punch,” you need both. The shock to the system triggers the sense of disconnect and when you get quiet and ask yourself why you are feeling out of sorts, magic happens. The discomfort becomes a giant road map and report card rolled up into one. It shows you where you’ve been, how well you did, the choices that you’ve made that got you to where you are and allows you to have a moment and think about the choices you would like to make next and where you want to go.

The good news here is to get your own copy of road map + report card on “This is your life,” you do not have to run away to foreign lands. You just need to remove yourself from your norm for a little while (7-10 days seems to be a good time frame) and breathe through the discomfort that is guaranteed to come. And after you’ve had a good hard look at the road map and how well you’ve done, lick the blood off your bloody lip and smile pretty. The real fun is about to begin!

Please share or retweet this if you too know the sense of discomfort and disconnect well. If you too have a bloody lip but are smiling pretty! 🙂

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