We have different voices that we use for different situations and with different people.

A voice for when I am making cold calls.

A voice for my girl friends.

A voice for when I am excited.

A voice for whispering sweet nothing.

A voice for the immigration officers when I am crossing boarders.

A voice for when I am asking for a pony.

I’ve been thinking about the concept of living life fully, Carpe-diem, and of all that making the most out of it bit….

Here is my question, how do you measure whether you are living life on full throttle?

I think the uninhibited deeply rooted guttural release when you are having an orgasm is a good measuring stick.

You know the voice I am talking about. Sometime you choke it back because you don’t want to wake the neighbors / roommate / sleeping child. But occasionally, once in a while, you let it out. Sometimes it is so loud that it scare you and take you by surprise. Other times it feel so good to use that voice that rarely gets used.

It comes from a place that can seem so deep and far away yet its right there, just inside of you, waiting to be let out.

When I am needing a reminder, when the overachiever in me needs some kind of measurement,  I use that voice.

I compare to how my life FEELS to that uninhabited deeply resonate voice.

How close is my life to that voice?! Do I live my life as unrestricted and liberated as that full guttural sound?

Are you aware of what you have to offer, of your capacities, of your joy, passion, or depth?

Orgasms are a good reminder of who you are, your powers and how fully you are living your life.

Go on! Lets wake up the neighbors!

Tell me about all the different voices you have and what you use to measure how fully you are living.

Retweet this if you are ready to feel your depth and let it all out!

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