When I little I wanted to be a spy.

I love the idea of moving seamlessly through different situations, countries and take on different identities to suit. Every time I am on the road, the immigration officers always seems to raise their eye brow an notch higher when I state my profession as a photographer on the forms. Being a photographer seems like the most obvious and worst cover for a spy. Yet, time and time again, I’ve sat down at coffee shops in foreign lands, common rooms in hostels and the minute I disclose my profession as a photographers, they jokingly ask, “are you a spy?!”

When I am on the road, I travel on a shoe string budget, carrying everything I need in two backpacks (including cameras and film) and as little technology as I could get away with. I wear the same outfit day in and day out and am in a constant state of travel worn. When I am back in NYC and am hustling in the art world, I feel like I am another person all together. In the glamorous world of NYC, I am showered, clean, with make up on,  walking as fast as I can in 3 inch heels while glued to my blackberry at all times.

A different disguise for a different world. Maybe I am a spy after all.

To make matters all the more complicated, I work in the art world in two different capacities. I am an artist with an active practice and I am the director of an art gallery, Baang and Burne Conetmporary.

I live a life that is full of extremes. I live a life that is always offering a perspective from the opposite side.

This blog is an account of recent adventure in the art world and the world at large. Life as an artist and as an art gallery director. Occasionally peppered with moments of beauty, grace and strange questions I ask and get preoccupied by. I am a spy traveling through the diverse terrain of humanity, high art, high commerce, nomadic backpacker and the expat who have turn away from the world.

I hope the writing in Spy Travelogue will inspire you to venture out into the world, to pursue a life of passion (whatever form that might be), and to cherish the moments of absurdity and beauty in equal measures. I like to invite you to reach out a little further with me…to live an authentic life without limits.

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