Jan 26, 2011
Elevation: 80m

You are dying for a sneak peak aren’t you? Well…okay…maybe dying is a strong word. Perhaps mildly curious? Well, I have indeed been knee deep in scanning the new work here but also been thinking a lot about restructuring the business, the website, this blog and essentially over-hauling everything all around.

Soon this blog will get a new title and migrated to WordPress. I will be sure to let you know when that happens. In the meantime, I wanted to take a little survey from you guys, what is it that you are interested in reading from me? The creative process, the travel, the occasional way too much information confession of my inner life? I am trying to focus down a little and not get too carried away with all the random things that I could possibly be writing about.

I recently did an interview with Michael Werner for Two Way Lens. There is a sneak preview of new images from this most recent trip. Check it out here and then soon, more, on the new charliegrosso.com.

Talk to me….what would you like to know?!

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