July 1, 2009
Mexico City, Mexico
I meet a very nice elder gentleman on the flight. He is a professor at the university of mexico, some sort of corn, fungus,research based field. He has been teaching there for 40 years. He first started asking me about my travels (I was reading my LP guide on the flight) and when he found out I was by myself, he gave me his number and his daughter's number in case I ever needed anything. After a long nice chat on the flight, He insisted on taking me to the apt in a cab, paid for the cab fare and also gave me 500 pesos cause he didn't want me to visit an atm at night. He wouldn't even accept my US greenback in exchange for the pesos. He also decided that he was gonna adopt me and be my Mexican father and wanted me to come and stay w him and his wife next time.
Its times like this that makes me think there is still hope for humanity.
Charlie Grosso
That is pretty amazing, I must agree.