March 9, 2009
New York City

I was an atheist when I was younger and angrier, as I get older, as I discover the intrinsic inner optimist in me, I feel that I am much closer in being agnostic than a non-believer (but I do not subscribe to the judaeo-christian notion of GOD). I believe that you come across certain things, whether be it works of literature, art, music or really anything at all, at the appropriate moments in your life, when you need that message the most. The Universe (not GOD for me, maybe it is GOD for you, its not for me to say) speaks to you in funny ways (I find the universe to have a wicked sense of humor).

I saw these two pieces of art at the various art fairs I attended last week. For those of you who knows something of what I have been going through in my personal life, do you not think that the Universe is trying to speak? For all of you non-believers out there – this is nothing but a coincidence, take no mind of it.

and yes, I hear you!

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