Nov 30, 2008
Tokyo, Japan

There are these vending machines eatery here in Japan where you order what you would like the eat from the selections listed on the machine, you put your money into it, it provides you with change and a ticket. You then give the ticket to one of the person working at the restaurant and they will shortly bring you what you have ordered.

At first I thought this was a great idea. You eliminate the need for an additional person to work as a cashier, the workers are not handling food and money at the same time, there is less chance of mistakes in changes made and most likely its a lot easier to tally out for the day. A rather efficient system to say the least.

Then I got to thinking, what if one day (maybe this already exists somewhere) you could order sex from a machine!? You can choose from a blond, a brunette, a red head, or from different nationalities, the type of service in which you would like to have, and the duration in which you would like the service to be.

We are already being fed by machines in many respects, we already live in a world in which we interact with technology more than we interact with other humans. Do you think a future in which where another one of our most primal needs is being fulfilled in such clean and dispensable way is too far off?

Think about how much simpler the industry of prostitution would be if the transactions can be done via a dispensary. There would be no haggling, the government would be able to tax the industry, there would be greater chance for fair pay for the workers, there would be less abuse by pimps because it would eliminate the need for pimps for many of the workers.

Hmmm…..Don just made the best suggestion of all here though, maybe we should actually make one, a sex vending machine as described above, as a piece of sculptural art….now we are on to something!

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