Nov 30, 2008
Tokyo, Japan
Last night we went out with our friend Brian and some other friends of his from his building for dinner and a little karoke. We walked out of the building with 6 child in toll, all under the age of 8, only to come upon a group of small children all about the same age. This small group of children that had gathered were talking about something in a very animated manner, but not as if they are excited but more concerned. One girl had a small dog on a pink leash and another girl had a butter fly net while 3 of the other kids are on bicycles. I was intrigued by whatever drama that was unfolding between the children and I made a mention of it to Brian. He then translated the last thing we heard one of the girl has said, “He is going to DIE!”
I only wish I had a picture of this for you!
Still no service on the blackberry and there will be none until I am in Taipei. *Sigh* The bank is still refusing to give me money although the BofA costumer rep did assure me that there is no problem with my card and that they are not holding my money hostage. Still have not fully proceeded any or all of the information that my brain has gathered here so far in these 48 hours – but I do think that we have got a handle on the subway system and after tomorrow am back at Tsukiji, we will be off to Kyoto for a few days.
I hate foreign keyboards!