Nov 3, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca

As many of you may know, I was featured in Gastronomica magazine’s Summer 08 issue for my series “Wok the Dog.” It opens with a 250 word introduction written by me and a 7 page spread with images that were chosen from the series by Gastronomica.

The editor from the journal today had sent me an email, wanting me to respond to a letter of objection that she received regarding my work and series. My first hate mail!

Here is the letter:

Dear Gastronomica,
It was with great excitement that I awaited my first issue of Gastronomica: what I expected to be an epicurean resource. After receiving it recently, I wish to forward some rather despondent input. On so many levels it is hard to capture, I have issues with Charlie Grosso’s Market and Meat, photographic sample of her Wok the Dog project.
This is, at a minimum, sensationalist journalism but, more realistically, work that is the result of an individual’s fascination with the macabre. This opinion is exemplified by Ms. Grosso’s revolting and callous picture titles. Additionally, I see no connection between the statement “…but we have lost our connection not only to the vendors who sell us our food, but to life itself, to the animal our dinner once was” and the photographs shown, which depict the goriest elements of slaughter; not any correlation to the actual sentient being. It would have been so much more powerful, appropriate and value added if, after that statement, she had shown or detailed information on the Buy Local or Grass Fed movements, which actually do connect you with your food, where it comes from, and the vendors who provide it to the market.
Ultimately, the magazine carries much responsibility for giving this type of eccentricity exposure, so I have cancelled my subscription.

I wish to change the world with my art, what I dedicate this brief time that I have. I have gotten some real heart felt and positive responds from all sorts of different people regrading the series. The responds make me feel like I am on the right track and making some sort of impact. But this, a letter and a cancelled subscription, I almost feel that is just as a good responds as any that I have gotten. Maybe we should gauge the impact we make by the hate mail that we receive instead?!

The editor has requested a responds from me and I will post that here in the next day or two. Stay tuned…..

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