Phnom penh to Bangkok to LAX
A day of transit for us. Yesterday was really the last day of our trip and as always, I feel like I have not seen enough and that there is always more, more markets, more adventurs, more glimps of real life as othes live them, in uniforms and pajamas.
We have 10 hours to kill here at the Bangkok airport and I almost think it be fun if we reenacted the movie “the termail” with tom hanks. Only I don’t remember too much of it.
We have encounterd our first Starbucks here in south east Asia. I am not a great fan of their over roasted coffee but it beats nest cafe any day. Think the biggest drawl of Starbucks is that its consistent. But this also means that we are not too far away from returning to life as we know it.
So now all the worries and what not that I have managed to not make contact with over the last 4 weeks are returning. Press efforts for the sept show, gastronomica event, installation of the Sept show and all the content that needs to sorted out before hand, not to mention all the thank you emails I will have to sent as soon as I get back.
Maybe I should just get the next flight out to where ever and not go home until I run out of film?!
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