First day here in Bangkok for the international artist exchange. We went to the university for a bit, got our bearings and a little bit of infomation as to what is going on and then don and I set off to get lost in the city a little and also to find a market.
When we were outside the wat pho – the reclinging Buddha, a tuk-tuk guy wanted to take us around to all these other Buddha statues around town for 10 bhat each, about 60 cents usd. We knew it was a bit of scam and that he would want us to stop at factories and what not where he gets a percentage of what we purchase or something like it. But we wanted a ride around the city. So we went. As the journey goes on and he would tell us about how we are going to stop at the expo where you can buy silk and cashmere and what not, we keep on telling him no that we are not going to buy anything. He would say its ok- just look 10-15 mins – then we answer – but we don’t want to buy anything.
Eventually we got stuck in traffic and he said that he won’t charge us anything but we should get out.
Our persistent no to the request of shopping worn him out! I almost felt bad for him in the end since he really got nothing for having driven is around for over and hour around the city.
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