Bangkok, Thailand
After much ado with the printing problem I have been having – we finally found a way to print some of the images I have shot over these last few days and have work to present tomorrow at the opening.
There are these two students who I think are assigned to me – to help, learn and observe. Everyday they would try to find me and ask if they could be of any assistance. But I have been unable to “demonstrate” to them what it is that I do. Mostly because I simply wonder around. Its not that interesting to watch me take photos unless you can see what I am seeing. These two boys English are not very good either, which makes communicating to them all the more difficult.
However, today I was able to use the service of this one Thai translator who speaks Mandarin Chinese – I would talk to her in Chinese and try to tell the students about my work and what I do – she would then translate it to them in Thai. She is by far the best translator I have had here. All of the English speaking ones I always uncertain as to whether if they understand what I am saying or not or if they are translating it correctly. I would watch the English – Thai translators face and I just don’t get the sense that they understand. Nor do I see a glimmer of understanding in the faces of these two students. So Mandarin to Thai it is then!
Each of these boys presented me with a painting that they made as a gift. In return (since I feel really bad about the lack of entertainment value I have brought to them and also the lack of hands on experience / first hand observation) I gave them each a print. They seemed honored and excited. I sure hope they felt like they benefited from my “education / demonstration.”