June 11, 2008
Bangkok, Thailand

Yesterday was my first full day of this international artist exchange. It turns out that this event is actually a really big deal. The opening recption included the former primister and there are 102 artists participating.

I had some trouble first finding a market and the right kind of market and then trouble with the way the printer printed my film. On the panaromic film the printer made 2 seprate prints from that same frame.

I was so confused by it. Looking at each individual prints, it didn’t make any sense for me. Its as if I did not take any of those images. But once I taped them together, then I recognized it as my own.

I found out that the Thai have different color shirts for different days of the week. Monday is yellow, Tuesday is pink, Wednesday green, Thursday orange, Friday blue, sat purple and Sunday red. You would see lots of people wearing the same color polo shirts and all coordinated according to the day of the week.

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