April 17, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca

This was a conversation I had today via IM with a friend down in Mexico City:

2:59:20 PM Charlie Grosso: why do men like psycho girls? i don’t get it
2:59:31 PM Charlie Grosso: but its lasting the longest
2:59:42 PM Charlie Grosso: that is gotta be something? no?
2:59:42 PM Eric: i was thinking about that..
2:59:48 PM Eric: it’s exciting at first..
3:00:27 PM Charlie Grosso: or is it like that there is a built in fail safe – it will never be real since they are crazy to start with – its made to self-destruct eventually
3:00:28 PM Eric: then you realize that their disorders cause them to be different and interesting at first, but in fact have impeded those people to have the kind of social and exploratory experiences in life that would make them genuinely interesting..
3:00:36 PM Eric: then they share the suffering of their disorder with you..
3:01:08 PM Eric: ..and then you decide that they’re actually boring..
3:01:52 PM Eric: this girl i’m seeing now still hasn’t revealed any serious craziness to me though, after 2 months- so whatever her problem is, it must be REALLY serious..
3:02:18 PM Charlie Grosso: maybe that is why you are still interested. you have yet to figure out what kind of crazy she is yet.
3:02:40 PM Charlie Grosso: i am telling you – its the built in fail safe thing – i am convinced!
3:02:43 PM Eric: hah
3:02:58 PM Eric: usually i get bored of nice, sane girls..
3:03:07 PM Eric: but i’ve been having a lot of fun with this one..
3:03:26 PM Eric: maybe it’s because she’s not a goth, that she’s not crazy like the others..
3:04:02 PM Charlie Grosso: goths are crazy – that is my opinion – having been one myself – i think i can say that without being too much of a bitch
3:04:20 PM Charlie Grosso: all that black is way too hot in the summer time!
3:04:26 PM Eric: yeah, but many of my closest friends are goths.. or crazy.. : )
3:04:36 PM Charlie Grosso: not practical at all –
3:04:38 PM Eric: yeah, being goth in L.A. is a mistake : )
3:05:10 PM Eric: but a little pink and a bad haircut (and a labotomy) and you can convert a goth into an EMO! : )
3:05:22 PM Charlie Grosso: haha that is pretty good!
3:06:06 PM Charlie Grosso: i like how the description of a EMO on the show was skinny black jeans and eye liners – wait is that not almost the same uniform as a goth or a punk?
3:06:17 PM Charlie Grosso: well i have long ceased to like james in anyway.
3:06:34 PM Eric: well, honestly, Michael isn’t the best person to authoritatively define these people
3:07:42 PM Eric: i’ve been tortured by quite a variety of psychotic, histrionic, borderline, manic nutcases!
3:08:10 PM Charlie Grosso: you ask for it though – you are seeking them out in many cases – you just admited that you like them crazy!
3:08:57 PM Eric: well, it’s not that i wanna date crazy girls, it’s that i find their quirks amusing
3:08:57 PM Eric : ..and intriguing sometimes..
3:09:15 PM Eric: ..until i get sick of their shit..
3:09:52 PM Eric: i can think of these two weirdo goth girls now, that i dated in the last few months.. both very hot, both socially odd, both teases..
3:10:04 PM Eric: ..i eventually lost patientce for their games..
3:10:32 PM Eric: heh, some 23-year old mexican goth girl just sent me a myspace friend request..
3:10:36 PM Eric : why are they all 23?
3:10:42 PM Charlie Grosso: do you see yourself as some sort of cultural anthropologist who wants to understand this weird species of women and you are simply trying to imbed youself (in more ways than one) and get a close look on the inside?
3:11:12 PM Charlie Grosso: because by the time the are 28 they are fat and preg and have husbands that likes to drink?
3:11:39 PM Charlie Grosso: or they are career driven and wants to marry someone who will give them a leg up in the world?
3:11:41 PM Eric: the answer is yes, i see myself as some sort of cultural anthropologist..
3:11:46 PM Charlie Grosso: i don’t know…
3:12:15 PM Eric: my pep talks to my friends about surviving women have be requested to be written so many times that i’ve started toying with some idea for a book on the idiocy of american man-women relations..
3:13:02 PM Charlie Grosso: why not ? my friends in publishing tells me that fiction doesn’t sell – people like non-fiction apperantly
3:13:07 PM Charlie Grosso: i don’t get it but ok
3:13:24 PM Eric: i detest the thought of being published
3:13:29 PM Eric: this is purely for my own amusement
3:13:36 PM Charlie Grosso: you could write a book about dating goth girls
3:13:42 PM Eric: heh
3:13:47 PM Charlie Grosso: you could publish under a false name
3:14:04 PM Charlie Grosso: it could be so good! i love the idea already!
3:14:30 PM Eric: i’m not sure if i wanna write some kind of Houellebecq/Bukowski-esque story of my troubles and conquests, or if i wanna write a technical service manual for women
3:14:34 PM Eric : well, for men, but on women
3:16:37 PM Charlie Grosso: maybe a mixture of both – you could start with a narrative and then pepper in chapter at approiate times of these dry technical manuals on women and then switch back to the narrative! it will be brilliant !
3:16:48 PM Charlie Grosso: don’t waste this brilliant idea!!!!!
3:16:55 PM Charlie Grosso: don has taken to news leacher
3:17:01 PM Eric: um, not a bad idea, but it’s so bourgeouis!

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