April 21, 2008
Los Angeles, Ca

Suffering a crisis of faith today. Talked to a friend of mine who is notoriously afraid of commitment, marriage, children – he is expecting a baby in Aug with his girlfriend. Its not so much that he is having a baby that triggered the crisis of faith – I am not sure that one thing has anything to do with each other – I think its just a shock to the system – he is the last one I expect to have a baby.
I think I need to consult good old Ayn here – The Fountainhead is always good for times like these.
Sometimes I wish I was young and naive, that I knew nothing and feared nothing. Simply thought that if I gave it my all – then the world will open itself up to me. Knowing too much makes you afraid because experience has taught you differently. Experience has hardened you, robbed you of your innocence and made you cynical. Its hard to keep the faith sometimes.
“Innocence gives me confidence..”

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